Friday, September 28, 2012


Well, after the engagement party last Sunday, we quickly ducked into the woods (more like densely planted trees in the park) to take some fashion photos. I'm trying out different photography styles to try and broaden my own skills and to broaded our photography genres. There are many different styles of photography and editing, I think our style is quite, vintage retro/fashion photography. 

The dress Vess is wearing is actually from her trip in Prato. Could be from Paris, if I'm not mistaken, probably bought at one of the many vintage markets which she adventured to. The material of the dress is so nice and light, perfect for the occasional Melbournian Spring and sunny day. I say occassional, because it seems Melbourne likes to give sun then make you appreciate the sun more, but giving drastic rain straight afterwards. (Thus, I don't believe I will be packing away my winter jumpers soon!)

We did a photoshoot with one of our wondeful friends this morning. Two words, rain and wet. Being the driven individual that I am, I was set on getting the shoot done, the results of which, I am quite happy with. Nina (stylish and model) was so lovely to shoot with, she is such fun to be around and just oozes with niceness, prettiness and enthusiam. 

Pics will be up soon! (hopefully, dependent on how much time vess has for editing)

And another note, we've created a website and a facebook page!

Would love to keep you guys updated, so do 'like' us for more pics and updates! 

-keep stylish-


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